


HYBRID EVENTSHybrid events have been around for some time. This type of event came into sharp focus in 2020, as clients asked us to create online experiences. The focus now

Zoom out of Lockdown

  10.03.2021   Mandy   Insight   No comments

Zoom out of LockdownThe government published a four-step roadmap to ease restrictions across England. This provides us with a route back to a more normal existence. For our industry, this

It’s not all Zoom and Gloom

  5.02.2021   tim   Insight   No comments

It's not all Zoom and GloomWe’ve noticed a trend towards Zoom since last year. It’s the platform of choice for many of our clients due to its reliability and ease

3 steps to perfecting your video call

  25.01.2021   tim   Insight   No comments

3 steps to perfecting your video callDuring 2020, like many AV companies, we had a marked increase in enquiries for virtual events. incorporating various elements such as a video call