
Zoom out of Lockdown

Zoom out of Lockdown

The government published a four-step roadmap to ease restrictions across England. This provides us with a route back to a more normal existence. For our industry, this is hope that we will be able to again provide exceptional experiences soon.

We have already completed Step 1 Part 1. Schools are open and households across the UK are breathing a collective sigh of relief

When we look back on this time and remember the pandemic of 2020, there will be two names that stand out above the rest. The first is Boris Johnson, who is now working on the one-way road to our freedom from lockdown. The other is Zoom. This platform became our go-to for meetings, family gatherings and pub quizzes.

On 29th March, we head into the second part of this step and now is the time to start thinking beyond lockdown.

To be ready for the virtual and hybrid events we have created a 7-step package so that you can be ready to Zoom out of Lockdown…


The time here is flexible, but you should allow 20 minutes per speaker. This is for editing lower thirds, graphics and speaker checks. We allow 8 hours for you to prepare for your event with full technical support.

2.Custom Lower Thirds

Titling and branding your presenters creates a professional studio appearance. We create up to 20 custom lower thirds with your images. Programming images to replace speakers takes half a day.

3.Remote clicker for up to 4 people.

When operating PowerPoint from home, wifi is a constant concern. Use your IOS or Android device to open a link in your web browser. This has the presenter buttons on the full screen for control of the studio slide deck. We also include rigorous testing before the event.

4.Green Room Zoom Calls

Two green room Zoom calls with up to 6 speakers each, plus a third call with one person. This is best used when you have one chairperson on the line handing back and forth between two rooms.


We utilise our clients zoom account for outgoing stream or we can provide at cost. Regardless, we test this for each event.

6.Event Run Time

Total event running time of 8 hours at most. This comprises time pre-testing with speakers who can’t make the previous check. We operate on the world clock so don’t worry if you have presenters who are not in the UK.

7.Enjoy the Show

Your event is a studio-quality production for your attendees. You have presenter management and the green rooms are ready. Now you are ready to do the most important part – enjoy your own show.